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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prions, Viroids and Virusoids

What exactly are Prions?

Prions are rogue or bad protein which have abnormal structures, the mis-folded form of the protein can alter other cellular proteins ( PrPC) to the prion form PrPSc.

This tree diagram shows the different types of prions

How do prions transform other cellular proteins?

The prions simply uses it’s abnormal structure to convert normal molecules to the abnormally structured form.Once the normal cells get infected, they don’t work properly or otherwise, don’t work at all.The infected cells are stable and accumulates until the cells die off.

Once the cells die, they releases prions into the blood stream to infect more cells. Even though these cells are protein cells, they are resistant to heat and denaturation.Their resistance makes them difficult to be removed or killed.

Picture showing prions infecting a cell.


They are Spongiform encephalitis. They look like “sick” brains riddled with holes and they resemble Swiss cheese.

An experiment to test on convertion:

  1. Firstly, 2 mice are prepared, 1 with knockout PrPc gene, and the other with normal PrPc gene.
  2. The mouse with normal gene will produce PrPc protein while the other without will not.

  3. Next, both mice are infected with prions. The prions will infect the mouse with PrPc proteins but not the mouse without it since it has nothing to convert.

  4. Eventually the mouse with PrPc proteins dies.

  5. This is because in order for the prions to cause harm and damage to the cells.

  6. The prions must first convert the normal PrPc to rogue proteins.


What are viroids?

Viroids are infectious agents composed of a single stranded circular RNA which consist of some double-stranded regions.They can be considered as 1 of the smallest known virus capable of causing disease.

Viroids mostly affect plants such as fungi etc. There is only 1 human pathogen known to cause disease in human, and that is Hepatitis D.

Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is a disease caused by small RNA viruses which is also known as delta agent virus.The hepatitis D viroid RNA affects the human liver cell 7S RNA.The virus kills the liver cell by cleaving it and altering the shape of the cell.The person infected with Hepatitis D will suffer from chronic liver infections.

Among all the hepatitis infection, hepatitis D has the highest mortality rate of all. Transmission of this virus can be done by unprotected sex, sharing of contaminated needles and close contact.

Prevention of spreading can be done by using clean and sterile needles, and having safe sex.


Virusoid is an infectious agent that will infect plants with another allying virus.

They are single stranded circular RNA which depends on plants for replication.
It has several hundreds of nucleotides and only encodes structural proteins.Virusoids are similar to viroids, in comparison of size, shape or replication technique.

Although virusoids are studied under virology, they are not classified as virus but as a subviral particle.


This video explains how do prions arise and gives more information about them.



2:12 AM

Emerging Viruses

What are emerging viruses?

They are viruses which are coming out into view. In this world, there are many virus, different species and genomes, RNA or DNA viruses.But the most emergent viruses are zoonotic. Emerging viruses are caused by many factors, the main cause of it is Animals.

An example is man invading animal’s natural habitat. Some other factors can be climate change, forest fires ( haze) and pollution.

Why are these factors contributing to emerging virus and mutation of viruses?

Climate changes causes mutation of viruses because of indefinite amount rainfall resulting in floods in some area altering the growth of viruses in that specific area. Forest fires caused haze and pollution which could also affect the growth of viruses.

Influenza and SARS viruses shown above

Some examples of emerging viruses over the past years are dengue virus, influenza virus and coronavirus, also known as SARS. The reason it is named as coronavirus is because of its crowned shaped like figure. The avian influenza virus, also known as the Bird Flu virus is one of the most widely spread virus among the emerging viruses.

Avian Influenza Virus.

Influenza virus that infects birds are called avian influenza virus. They come from the family of Orthomyxoviridae. This virus can stay intact in air for long period of time because they are enveloped RNA viruses and enveloped viruses are more robust. Only Influenza A virus infects birds, however, there is rapid mutation in the RNA genome which creates new subtypes. But there is still a huge difference in the subtypes that typically infect humans and birds.

How is avian influenza infecting and spread among birds?

The virus is very contagious among birds and can make domestic bird such as chickens, ducks, turkey very sick and eventually kills them. Spreading of avian influenza virus can be done easily, infected birds carry the virus saliva and wastes.

When the others uninfected birds come into direct contact with it, they get infected. Direct contact with contaminated cages or materials can also infect the birds. This disease has two main forms, low and high extremes of virulence. The low pathogenic form is undetected, usually mild or almost no symptoms shown. While on the other hand, the high pathogenic form cause disease that affects the internal organs and can cause death to the birds within 48 hours.

Avian influenza in humans.

There are only 4 strains of avian influenza virus that will cause disease in humans, they are, H5N1, H7N3, H7N7 and H9N2. Although avian influenza virus is known only to cause disease in birds, they can adapt over time to infect and spread among in humans.

In an outbreak of avian influenza among domestic birds, those who had gone into contact with the infected animal’s wastes and secretions might carry the risk of getting infected. Some symptoms of the infected are ranged from fever, sore throat, cough or muscle aches to more serious symptoms such as eye infections and severe respiratory diseases. The symptoms are based on which virus infected the human.

Example of Hong Kong Bird Flu.

H5N1 strain outbreak killed 6 person in 1997 and the last outbreak in may 2001 is a new strain of the H5N1


Some ways to control and prevent avian influenza virus from spreading are killing and burning of infected poultry, quarantine the infected humans. If you are sick, stay at home, cover mouth when coughing.

Diagram below shows producures in place to deal with a avain flu outbreak


This video provides more information on the influenza virus and how it infects.




1:28 AM

Virus-Host Interactions

The 6 major steps
1. Attachment
2. Penetration
3. Uncoating
4. Replication
5. Assembly / Maturation
6. Release

Virus Attachment

This shows the attachment of a HIV Particle on a white blood cell

Attachment is the process where the virus attaches itself to the cell.
The virus must first be able to attach itself to the cell before it can fuse or penetrate the cell.
Attachment is a specific binding between proteins on the surface of the virus and proteins that serve as receptors on the surface of the cell.
Cells do not have receptors so that they could be infected and killed.
There are many reasons cells has receptors for example to allow the cell to communicate with each other.

What is a receptor then?

A receptor could be any surface molecule on the cell, such as glycolipid and glycoprotene.
A cell may have multiple receptors, for different functions.
This explains why certain virus affects certain cells.

Virus Penetration

This figure shows the penetration of a HIV particle on a white blood cell
Penetration is the process where the generic core enters the host cell.
There are different types of penetration,
  • Fusion as show in diagram above, where the virus envelope and the cell receptors are brought into direct contact and melt together
  • Direct Penetration, where the entire virus particle enters the cell by the help of the receptor


The uncoating of a nucleocapsid which release the viral RNA

Uncoating is an intracellular step during which viral nucleic acid and capsid are separated.
The virus genome is therefore released into the cell.
The virus genome therefore depending, might undergo reverse transcription where the RNA would be converted to DNA.
The DNA would then be integrated by the process of integration into the cell’s nuclear

Image above show a HIV’s DNA integrating into a nuclear of a white blood cell’s nuclear.

The DNA is mostly integrated into the cell together with a integrase.
The integrase would assist the viral DNA to be inserted into the cell’s own DNA.

Viral Replication

The replication of HIV virus mRNA.

Since part of the cell’s DNA contains the virus DNA, the cell would also produce virus mRNA together with its normal mRNA.

Different Class of virus replicate differently.
There are seven different class of classification.

Class I
This involves double-stranded DNA.
The replication is exclusively nuclear therefore its very dependent on host cell factors
The replication takes place in the cytoplasm, the viral genome contains all factors for genome replication and transcription.
Examples include Adenovirus, Herpesviruses and Poxiviridae.
These virus may cause cancer as they force the cells to undergo cell division.

Class II
This involves single-stranded DNA.
The replication of virus genome takes place in the nucleus
New single-stranded is made from double-stranded DNA formed.
Examples include Parvoviridae and Circoviridae

Class III
This involves double-stranded RNA
The replication of virus takes place all in the cytoplasm
The genome of the virus is fragmented, which mean each different genome code for a different protein.
The replication is monocistronic.

Class IV
This involves single-stranded positive RNA
There are 2 groups, group 1 and group2
The virus is with polycistronic mRNA, the genome RNA is responsible for forming the mRNA.
These mRNA are later translated into polyprotein.
Therefore from the same strand of RNA, the virus has different method to produce protein.
This involve virus with complex transcription process.
There is 2 round of transcription before the formation of genomic RNA.
Ribosome frame shifting and proteolytic could be used to produce protein from the same strand of RNA.

Class V
Contains 2 group.

Virus with non-segmented genome.
The transcription of the negative RNA is induced by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which gives monocistronic mRNA.
Replication takes place within the cytoplasm.

Virus with segmented genome.
Replication takes place in nucleus.
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase produce monocistronic mRNA from each segmented genome.

The biggest different between both group is the location where replication takes place.

Class VI
This involve single-stranded positive RNA, but there is DNA intermediate.
It is diploid
The process of reverse transcription of viral RNA to dsDNA is done by viral RT
The dsDNA is integrated into the host cell’s genome
The viral RNA is not used as mRNA
Well studied examples are HIV

Class VII
This involves double stranded DNA, but there is RNA intermediate
Involves overlapping reading of frames
Examples include Hepadnaviriade
This class is not well studied

Assembly or maturation

The assembly of HIV in a white blood cell

Once the various viral subunits have been produced and processed, they must be separated for the final assembly into new virus. This separation, or cleavage, is accomplished by the viral enzyme.
The viral RNA is now repacked into a nucleocapsid again.
The structural subunits of the virus would mesh with a part of the cell membrane causing it to deform.


This is the final step in virus replication, the genetic material enclosed in the nucleocapsid merges with the deformed cell membrane to form a new virus envelope. The virus is therefore released and readily attaches to another cell.

Regulation of expression

Transcriptional Control
· Involve the promotion of viral genome
· Involves the early and later activators / enhancers
· Involves late repressors
· The viral transciptases for RNA viruses is not very understood

Post-transcription control
· Involves the splicing of polycistronic mRNA in nucleus
· There is different rate of splicing
· Involves the control of mRNA from nucleus to cytoplasm
· There are regulatory sequences found on introns

Translational control
· There is different stability of mRNAs
· The secondary structures are close to initiation sequence
· There is problem due to overlapping reading of frames

Translational control – overlapping reading frames
· Internal ribosomal entry sites ( IRES )
· Frameshifting
· Pseudoknots

How could a virus enter a host?
· The skin when there are cuts, abrasions, open wounds
· The eyes (eyelid)
· The lungs when breathed in
· The small intestine, when virus is consumed
· The genitals, during sexual intercourse

Types of virus spread inside a host
· Systemic infection – infect several organs
· Haematogenous spread – spread through the bloodsteam
· Neural spread

Virus could be transmitted
· eating infected tissue (beef, mad cow disease)
· coughing / sneezing ( mucus / saliva )
· contaminated hands ( holding hands / unknowingly touching infected people or items and rub eyes or nose
· Saliva ( kissing , sharing of food )
· Blood ( sharing of needles )
· Sexual intercourse
· Faeces( only affect undeveloped countries as people relieve themselves in river and obtain drinking from river)

Virus induced injuries (CPE)
· Cell death
· Mutation ( 2 nucleus , changed in shape )
· Change in cell membrane permeability

· Shut down of the cellular function of the cell which leads to cell death ( example neurons, shut down lead to a person being paralyzed)
· Immunopathological lesions ( HIV, the white blood cell are unable to function. Enhancement in immune response causing haemorrhagic fever, dengue )


This shows the HIV replication cycle.

This shows how a HIV virus enters a host cell.

This video shows a flash animation of the virus replication cycle. (without audio)



12:51 AM

Viruses in Plant, Bacteria, Protista
and Fungi
Viruses are able to infect members of all the 5 kingdoms (Plantae, animalia, fungi, protista and monera)

Certain families of viruses have the ability to infect across kingdoms having members of 2 or more different kingdoms as hosts.

Examples are:
· Rhabdoviridae – infects animals and plants
· Partitiviridae – infects plants and fungi

Plant Viruses

Importance of plants

Plants play important roles in purifying the air, providing a source of raw materials (wood), having medicinal values, providing a source of food, plays a part in nitrogen fixation and the list goes on. Since plants have such a crucial role in our lifestyle and maintaining the earth’s atmosphere and ecosystem it is important that plant diseases including those caused by viruses are studied.

Flow of Energy form sun to plant (autotrophs) and animals, etc (heterotrophs)

Nitrogen Fixation

Features of Plant Viruses

Plant viruses have a segmented genome divided into two or more nucleic acids which are enclosed within the virus particle. This unique characteristic can be used to distinguish plant viruses.

Plant viruses also have the ability to infect other multiple plant hosts causing different symptoms for different hosts. It is also from these disease symptoms from which viruses are named.

Structure of Plant Viruses

There are different types of structural morphology plant viruses can have which can be categorized according the viruses’ genomes. They are:


The outer layer of plants tissues are composed of thick layers of waxes and pectin which protect the plant and have a thick cellulose cell wall. As a result viruses cannot readily penetrate into the plant’s cells and can only be introduced into the plant by breaching the cell wall.

The table below lists the various methods of transmission of plant viruses.

Means of Transmission

Living organisms can serve as vectors for transmission of viruses from one plant to another:


There is no chemical method available for plants so the only way to prevent viral infection is to do the following:

· Remove plants which are infected and show symptoms
· Control the vector factor of transmission (e.g. control population of these vectors)
· Improve methods of plant cultivation.

Bacterial Viruses

The most common type of virus that infects bacteria are bacteriophages and hence they will be discussed in this section. Phage means ‘to eat’ so the name bacteriophage means to eat bacteria.

Features of Bacteriophages

The structure of the bacteriophage is a complex one which contains:

The bacteria phage’s genome also consists of modified bases which helps protect it from degradation from nucleases that break down host’s nucleic acids.

Fungal Viruses / Mycoviruses

There are a large variety of fungal viruses with over 60 species in 50 genera. However even though there is a large variety, very few viruses are studied in detail and most studies are done mostly with electron microscopes.
The first mycovirus discovered was found in a cultivated portobello mushroom in the 1950’s. The mushroom exhibited symptoms such as deterioration in tissue, change in morphology and decreased mushroom production.
Almost all fungal viruses have similar structural characteristics with a polyhedral structure and a double stranded DNA genome often with more than one dsDNA present per virus particle.

Viruses in Protista

There is very little information known about virus that infects the members in the kingdom of protista is limited.
However, mammalian viruses are able to be transmitted around in protista cells suggesting that another virus species may be present.





12:21 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Methods of Studying Viruses

For isolation and cultivation

1) Animals /Embryonated eggs
2) Plants
3) Tissue culture

For detection, identification and diagnosis

1) Tissue culture methods
2) Physical methods

a) X-ray crystallography
b) Electron-Microscopy
c) Ultra-centrifugation

3) Serological methods/Immunological methods

a) Haemagglutination (HA)
b) Haemagglutination Inhibitation (HI)
c) Complement Fixation
d) Immunostaining
e) Immunoprecipitation / Immunoblot

4) Others and Molecular Biology

b) Western blot
c) Protein Sequencing
d) X-ray Crystallography
e) Agarose Gels
f) Restriction Analysis
g) Sequencing
h) Southern blot
i) Northen Blot


(1) Animals and Eggs

Using animals and embryonated eggs was one of the earliest methods to culture viruses. It is a rather inconvenient method as factors such as safety when handling animals and animal rights have to be considered. As a result in present day this method is mostly phased out and replaced by in vitro tissue culture methods.

However some viruses that has no known host in vitro and has to be cultured this way. Examples are the influenza virus, hepatitis C and polio.

In this method, animals and embryonated eggs are directly inoculated with the virus and the virus is allowed to replicate. The viruses cultured in these animals are then extracted.

(2) Plants

In plants viruses are also directly inoculated into them for cultivation and studying. For viruses such as the tobacco mosaic, the quantity of viruses in the plant can be estimated due to the ability of the tobacco mosaic virus to form plaques.

(3) Tissue culture

In the tissue culture method, the virus is grown in vitro in a culture of host cells, these viruses cultured can be used to infect other cultures of host cells to increase the virus titer.

In this method, a primary cell line is created and from it a continuous cell line is derived which will be infected with viruses to culture them. This is the method of choice for culturing viruses.

The general procedure is of creating continuous cell lines of animal cells are shown below:

1) First, remove the tissue to be cultured from a plant or animal.
2) Next, crush and grind the tissue into small pieces.
3) The crushed tissue is trypsinised
4) The trypsinised tissue is next placed into a culture medium and allowed to grow.
5) The primary cell line is created.
6) This primary cell line is treated with chemicals to transform it into cancerous cells that can keep dividing indefinitely.
7) This creates a continuous cell line which can be used to study viruses and culture them.

The general procedure of creating a plant tissue culture is shown below.

1) Cut-out plant tissue and place in a tissue culture container.
2) Tissue grows and produces small plants
3) Some are removed and placed in other culture containers to create a rapid multiplication of plant cultures.
4) When plants are large enough they are transplanted into soil and placed in a green house.
5) These plants are clones of the original plant and can be infected with plant viruses to culture them.


(1) Tissue Culture Methods

There are two methods for using tissue culture to detect viruses which are observing cytopathic effects and using the plaque assay.

Cytopathic Effects (CPE)

The presence of viruses can be detected by observing changes in the cell due to virus’s replication cycle.

Examples of the effects which can be observed in cells under the microscope are:
· Rounding of cells
· Development of a double nucleus.
· Cell lysis
· Swelling/Shrinking of Cells
· Detachment from surface
· Etc

CPEs vary depending on the type of virus infecting the cell.

Plaque Assay

Plaque assay is a method based on the principle that one virus will infect one cell which will produce a visible plaque on a cell monolayer in a plaque assay.

In a plaque assay the following takes place:

  • Cell monolayers are infected with a low ratio of virus

  • A layer of agarose on the cell monolayers keeps the cells stable and limits the spread of virus.

  • When each infected cell produces virus and eventually lyses, only the cells immediately adjacent to it becomes infected.

  • Each group of infected cells is referred to as a plaque.

  • Uninfected cells surround the plaques.

  • After several infection cycles, the infected cells in the center of the plaques begin to lyse and the surrounding infected cells remain surrounded by uninfected cells.

  • Plaques can be seen by staining the monolayer.

  • A areas of unstained regions are plaques and can be counted.

The plaque assay despite being a very simple method is very time-consuming and can only work for cells that can infect monolayers and cause cell lysis.

(2) Physical Methods

a) X-Ray Crystallography

In this method, X-rays are beamed at the crystal and electrons of the atoms of the sample being studied diffract the x-rays causing a diffraction pattern. Using mathematical formulae and computer programs 3-dimensional pictures and electron density maps can be created.

Since viruses are too small to be studied under a standard light-microscope, this method can be used to observe viruses.

b) Electron-Microscopy

Since viruses are too small to be observed in a light microscope, electron microscopy can be used to created detailed and accurate images of viruses. Electron-microscopy works by bombarding the specimen with a beam of electrons and the diffracted electrons can be used to form a image by using sensors connected to a computer that displays an image.

There are 2 types of electron microscopes:
· Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
· Scanning Electron microscope (STEM)

The image below shows the image produced by a TEM.

The image below shows the image produced by a STEM.

c) Ultra-centrifugation

Utra-centrifugation can be used to separate marcomolecules from each other when studying specimens such as cells or viruses. This enables researchers to obtain a purified sample of viruses.

Other function of ultra-centrifugation when using an analytical ultra-centrifuge are

  • to monitor the number and molar mass of macromolecular complexes

  • and to report on the shape and molar mass of the dissolved macromolecules, as well as their size-distribution.

A picture of a ultra-centrifuge is shown below.

(3) Serological methods/Immunological methods

a) Haemagglutination (HA)

Certain types of viruses such as the influenza virus contain spikes on their envelope which are called:
· Haemaglutanin
· Neuraminidase

The haemagglutanin spike binds to specifically to red blood cells bringing them together form clumps of red blood cells which will float to the surface of the liquid. Hence the no. of viruses can be enumerated by observing the amount of red blood cells clumped at the surface.

b) Haemagglutination Inhibitation (HI)

A clinical lab test used to detect the presence of a certain haemagglutinating virus or other haemagglutinin antigen based on whether the red blood cells in the sample lose the ability to clump together when the antibody to the virus or other antigen is added to it.

Haemagglutination Inhibition uses the same principle as ordinary Haemagglutination except that it uses antibody inhibition which binds to the virus neutralising it and hence preventing it from binding to red blood cells causing agglutination.

c) Complement Fixation

Complement fixation a a method where by an antibody binds to an antigen causing a complement cascade of molecules in the blood serum which interacts with the cell or pathogen causing it to lyse.

d) Immunostaining


An antibody is tagged with fluorescent dye which attaches to a specific antigen of a sample. The sample is then observed under a fluorecent microscope which will produce exciting light to illuminate the fluorescent dye. This method can be used to study where and how the antibody and antigens react and bind together.

Immunogold Electron microscopy

Utilising the same principle in immunofluorescent staining except that flourescent dye is replaced with gold, antibody and antigen complexes can be observed in electron microscope where the gold dust can be seen.

e) Immunoprecipitation / Immunoblot


In this method a radioactively labelled antigen is reacted with an antibody creating a complex. This complex is will be run through SDS-PAGE and detected using an X-ray film. The diagram below furher explains this concept.


A laboratory procedure, such as Western blot analysis, in which proteins that have been separated by electrophoresis are transferred onto nitrocellulose sheets and are identified by their reaction with labeled antibodies.

In this western blot analysis, the whole protein to be studied is run through SDS-PAGE and blotted onto nitrocellulose paper. Antibodies labelled with an indicator added to the paper, bind to the proteins on it. The paper is then treated with streptavidin which reacts with the indicator producing a colour reaction.

This diagram shows how the western blot is done. But in the case above radioactively labelled antibodies are used.


ELISA also known as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a biocemical technique used in immunology in the detection or antigens or antibodies that may be present in the sample.
One way the ELISA can work is by allowing an antibody to bind to the antigen on the well’s surface if the correct antibody-antigen pair is present. After which an enzyme conjugate added binds to the antibody-antigen complex, activatin the enzyme which converts an added substrate into a coloured compound. Any component missing will result in a negative test.
The diagram below explains this concept.

(4) Others and Molecular Biology


PAGE or Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis is a method whereby proteins are separated by using an electric field to separate them according to their sizes in a polyacrylamide gel medium. The electric field produced pull the proteins through the ployacrylamide gel which is composed of a laberynth of tunnels within a mesh of fibres.

The SDS in SDS-PAGE is the step done before PAGE whereby the proteins are denatured so that it is reduced to its primary structure and that all proteins’ 3D shapes do not affect their rate of movement in the polyacrylamide gel in PAGE.

The SDS is actually an acronym for sodium dodecyl sulfate which is the detergent used to denature the proteins. The detergent dissolves hydrophoic molecules and has a negative charge attached to it. So if it is used on a protein, it dissolves it, denatures it and gives it negative charges. Hence in PAGE, proteins will migrate to the positive pole.

The diagram below shows what happens when proteins are degraded by SDS.

b) Western blot

This was discussed in the earlier section on immunoblot.

c) Protein Sequencing

In protein sequencing, the amino acid sequence on the poly peptide’s chain is determined by various methods.

To determine the composition of the protein the following can be done.

  1. First, the proteins sample is hydrolysed into its constituent amino acid by heating in hydrochloric acid.
  2. Next, the proteins are separated by ion-exchange or hydrophobic interaction chromatography.
  3. The separated amino acids will next undergo quantitative analysis producing colour changes.
  4. These colour changes in each separated amino acid can be put into a photospectrometer to obtain its corresponding absorbances.
  5. These absorbances are directly related to the amount ofamino acid present hence the composition of the amino acid can be determined.

Another method in protein sequence is mass spectrometry where by the specific amino acid sequences can be determined. Mass spectrometry work by ionising the sample to created charged ions where their mass to charge ratio is determined. This ratio is calculated from the motion of the ions as they pass through electromagnetic fields.

The pictures below show a mass spectrometer and the data produced by it.

d) X-ray Crystallography

This was discussed earlier under the physical methods section.

e) Restriction Analysis

In the restriction analysis method the genetic material for example DNA is cut into segments using restriction enzymes and run through PAGE or gel electrophoresis separating the segments which can be analysed.

f) DNA Sequencing

In DNA sequencing, a mixture of bases, enzymes and cofactors are reacted with a DNA strand to create a complementary strand which can be run through gel electrophoresis. Through gel electroporesis the DNA bases can be sorted according to sequence and base pair type. By comparing the results with complementary bases, the sequence of the sample DNA strand can be recontructed.

g) Southern blot

Southern blot is a technique developed for transferring DNA fragments from gel electrophoresis onto the nitrocellulose paper. This is essential so that the DNA fragments can be detected using techniques such as labelling fragments with radioactive material.

The picture below shows how sourthern blotting is done.

h) Northen Blot

The northern blot analysis is based on the same principle as with the southern blot except that northern blot is used for RNA instead.



PCR also known as Polymerase Chain Reaction is used to create a large amount of copies of DNA. This is useful especially when the DNA sample being studied is low in quantity.

PCR works by repeating a cycle of 3 steps over and over again till enough duplicate DNA is produced. The steps are:

  1. First, the double stranded DNA is heated to separate the DNA into single strands.
  2. Next, primers and binded to DNA strand upon cooling to designate the area of the DNA strand to be duplicated.
  3. Lastly, temperature is again increased allowing the polymerase enzyme to attach the bases to the DNA strand creating 2 copies of the same DNA.


RT-PCR is used for RNA and works almost the same as standard PCR only with a an additonal step.
RT-PCR works by first converting RNA into DNA using reverse transcriptase to produce a complementary strand. Next the standard 3 step PCR cycle is used to create duplicates.

The video below shows how PCR works.







6:05 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009


There are two types of Retroviruses:
1. Tumour forming
§ Transducing
§ Cis-activating
§ Trans-activating ( HTLV)
2. Non- tumour-forming
§ Lentiviruses

The focus on the content will be on HTLV-1 and HIV.

Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATLL)
+ Acute aggressive leukaemia resulting in death in 12 months
+ There are no known cure yet
Tropical spastic Paraparesis / HTLV-1 associated myelopathy
+ Wasting of neurons (lost of myelin sheaf)
+ Back pain followed by paralysis


Pathogenesis of HIV

Untreated HIV disease is characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune function. Most notably, crucial immune cells called CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells are disabled and killed during the typical course of infection. These cells, sometimes called “T-helper cells,” play a central role in the immune response, signaling other cells in the immune system to perform their special functions.
A healthy, uninfected person usually has 800 to 1,200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood. During untreated HIV infection, the number of these cells in a person’s blood progressively declines. When the CD4+ T cell count falls below 200/mm3, a person becomes particularly vulnerable to the opportunistic infections and cancers that typify AIDS, the end stage of HIV disease. People with AIDS often suffer infections of the lungs, intestinal tract, brain, eyes, and other organs, as well as debilitating weight loss, diarrhea, neurologic conditions, and cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma and certain types of lymphomas.

Primary Infection

§ Acute stage
§ Flu-like symptoms
§ Fever
§ Skin rash
§ Swollen lymph nodes
§ Virulence factors
+ Rate of replication
+ Propensity to mutate
+ Cytopathogenicity
§ Host resistance
+ Suppresion by CD8 T suppressor cells
+ Presence of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes

Asymptomatic Stage
· No apparent disease
· Fall in CD4 T lymphocytes ( primary target cell)
· Possible signs ( fatigue , depression, weight loss, memory disorders)

HIV attachment

Attachment of HIV to a CD4+ cell. The outer domain of gp120 binds to the CD4 antigen. This leads to a conformational change in gp120 and a co-receptor binding site is exposed. This region of gp120 binds to the chemokine receptor. Binding to the chemokine receptor allows another conformational change to occur so that regions of the gp41 HIV protein interact to form a fusion domain that allows the viral and cell membrane to fuse.

HIV life cycle

View this link for further explanation and larger image:


HIV virus


AIDS- transmission
· Sexual contact
· Blood and blood products
· Mother to child
- Placenta
- Mucosa
- Breast milk
· Pandemic

Symptomatic Stage

There are 4 stages:

Stage 1: Primary HIV Infection

The first stage of HIV infection is called primary infection. Primary infection begins shortly after an individual first becomes infected with HIV. This stage lasts for a few weeks. During this time period, individuals experience symptoms similar to the flu. Very few individuals seek treatment during this time, and those who do are usually misdiagnosed with a viral infection.
Often, if an HIV test is performed, it will come back negative, since antibodies are not yet being produced by the individual’s immune system. Those who believe they have been exposed to HIV should repeat the test again after six months.

Stage 2: Asymptomatic HIV
In the second stage, individuals are free from any symptoms of HIV. Levels of HIV in the blood are very low, but are detectable. If an HIV test is performed, it will come back positive. While the individual is asymptomatic, the HIV in their blood is reproducing constantly. This stage lasts about ten years, but can be much longer or shorter depending on the individual.

Stage 3: Symptomatic HIV
In the third stage, the immune system has become so damaged by HIV that symptoms begin to appear. Symptoms are typically mild at first, and then slowly become more severe. Opportunistic infections, infections that take advantage of the immune system’s vulnerable state, begin to occur. These infections affect almost all the systems of the body and include both infections and cancers. Some common opportunistic infections include tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus, and shingles.

Stage 4: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
In the fourth and final stage, a person is diagnosed as having AIDS. To be diagnosed as having AIDS, a person has to exhibit certain opportunistic infections, such as HIV wasting syndrome, pneumocystis pneumonia, or Kaposi sarcoma. Once a person is diagnosed with AIDS, they can never return to a stage of HIV, even if the individual gets better.

AIDS-related complex
- Diseases not considered definitive of AIDS
- May be attributed to HIV infection
- Indicative of detect in cell-mediate
- Immunity

- Opportunistic infections as a result of fall in CD4 lymphocytes

AIDS therapy
Non-specific therapeutic management
- To boost general health
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Anti-oxidants
- Others

Specific therapeutic management:
- Antiretroviral therapy

Nucleoside Reverse transcriptase Inhibitors:
-AZT (azidothymidine)
-3TC (lamivudine)

Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
*Rapid mutations due to inefficiency of reverse transcriptase

-Many candidates under development and trails.
-None so far proven useful


How HIV become Aids.


4:04 AM


Three types of virus that is under the Flaviviridae:
§ Flavivirus
§ Pestivirus ( Yellow Fever, Dengue, West Nile )
§ Hepacivirus ( Hepatitis C )

The focus of the contents is on the causes, control, prevention, diseases on (Yellow Fever, Dengue, and West Nile).

· The most arbovirus presently
· Non-fatal dengue fever (DF)
· Usually fatal dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) / Dengue shock syndrome (DSS)
· Dengue has 4 distinct serotypes based on neutralisation test. DEN-1 ,DEN-2,DEN-3,DEN-4
· DEN-2 shows the greatest antigenic and genotypic distance from the others.
· Mainly is DEN-2 that cause 60% of people reported having DHF.

Dengue Infection Life Cycle

Differences between Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever / Dengue Shock Syndrome
Dengue Fever

There is different grading of DHF:

Pathogenesis of DHF / DSS
Ø Not well understood despite intensive study – 2 theories
Ø Virulent strain theory
· Some strains more virulent than others
· Molecular studies show variations in sequences amongst different strains within serotypes
Ø Antibody enhancement
· Main theory for DHF / DSS
· Main cell target of DEN: monocytes / macrophages
· Most cases of DHF / DSS had prior infection or infants below 1 year had maternal Ab
· Monkey experiment showed similar enhancement

Possible cause of DHF / DSS
- Immune system overreacting
- Sever acute respiratory syndrome

Transmission is by Dengue Mosquito

Control of Dengue
1. Insecticide
2. Mosquito screen
3. Remove stagnant water

Patient with DHF / DSS


Yellow Fever

· It is a tropical disease in Latin America and Africa
· Incubation period : 3 – 6 days
· Infectious , headache, malaise, nausea, lassitude , muscle ache (3days)
· Flushing of head & neck, conjunctival injection, strawberry tongue

Severe Yellow Fever
§ Remission after acute yellow fever
§ Haemorrhagic, hepatic and renal disease
§ Fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration, prostration
§ Haemorrhagic / coffee-ground diathesis (black vomit)
§ Bleeding from puncture sites of injections and drip needles
§ Jaundice
§ Massive haematemesis
§ Renal failure, hypotension, shock
§ Virus absent from blood, but antibody titre high – implying autoimmunity may play major role
§ Survivors suffered extended chronic jaundice before full recovery; hepatic and renal failure may persist

There is only a way: Attenuated vaccine


West Nile Virus
· Originated in Uganda
· Discovered in 1937
· Common in Africa, west Asia, Europe, Middle East
· Mainly mild to no symptoms
· Fever, headache, body rashes, skin rash , swollen lymph glands
· Severe symptoms
§ Crossing blood brain barrier
§ Encephalitis
§ Meningitis
· Mainly in persons above 50 years

West Nile Virus Transmission Cycle

There is no control towards West Nile virus.



3:23 AM